The result of the project is a monograph on legal aspects of disappearances entitled Searching for missing persons, published by Wolters Kluwer Poland. The publication presents results of comprehensive research on the phenomenon of missing persons in Poland in the last 20 years. The research was conducted by the ITAKA Foundation and the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw and the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.
In the book, disappearance specialists analyse the following issues:
- Causes and scale of disappearances,
- Search and identification methods, missing people database management,
- Psychological, criminological and victimological aspects of disappearances,
- Analysis of regulations adopted in selected countries of the world.
The book premiered on 15th September 2021.
Searching for missing persons is the first publication of this kind in Poland. The knowledge, suggestions and conclusions presented in the book will offer invaluable support for professionals involved in the search for missing persons.
The book can be found in:,152786.html
and Wolters Kluwer bookstores.